Saturday, January 15, 2011


Welcome welcome welcoooooooooooommeeeeeee!! I could break into song right now;; I love you guys for dropping in comments;; it's like coming home and finding my lovely husband cooking dinner wearing his work clothes!! Omygod complete with a fashionable (XDDDDDDDDD SCREAAAAAAMMMMM!!!!) thin red tie but lemmesee with finger socks! Socks with fingers you know;; that's so cute okayyyyyyy I'm excited~!!! You see;; I'm in cyber-world right now I'm reunited with syuichimania and if this is a person I'll hug and kiss and just wanna stick with her like a LEECH!!! Hahahaha I felt totally hyper like seriously happy tahap karma gaban gilea bai macam kampung pulakk...

Sorry guys no images... the internet sucks big time but I am in no position to complain;; at least it's useable you know?! This evening;; dalam pukul 4 petang tadi I cried myself to sleep because I couldn't use the net. I know;; so immature;; but what the hell?? I was really sad;; I was looking forward to two things today ;; using the internet and going to KLCC. And I couldn't go too. Because mama papa ada majlis tahlil tonight. 

I was in a really bad mood and I cried till I fell asleep and when I woke up I went downstairs to eat- it's officially a habit : I'll eat whatever in the house when I feel s***ty- anyway papa was really good to me~~! :DDD I really love him you know what he did that was so sweet and just made me feel like smiling again??? He just quietly patted my head and tucked in the hairs that escaped from my hair band behind my ears and I was like sooooooooooo touched and felt really awesome even if that's weird I don't care he is the best dad ever.

Anyway papa bought a new car! I heard mama complaining though. We were in BMW and heading where I don't remember and they were talking about the Mercedes CLS (I think) that papa has his eyes on and mama started scoffing and saying ;; "You change cars everytime we get a kid!" and papa was like;; "Reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??????" and he laughed unassumingly. But I think she's right. When Marsya came into our lives;; small and healthy and gives me the weirdest feeling ever for getting a baby sister omygod I thought this is gonna be abnormal papa bought the Mercedes ML.

And then POOF! magic happened again and mama made Iman and she came into our family;; big-eyed and button-nosed crying through the night making it impossible for mama papa to get a wink of sleep;; papa bought the BMW to celebrate the occasion. Really;; getting babies are expensive nowadays huh?? A car for a daughter each...

And then what happen?? Another one came!! And that would be Ayra;; whom have really bad timing since now I know what kids would be after the so-innocent-and-clueless-it's-cute phase is over she will move to I-am-big-already-lemme-have-everything-I-want phase in life I would be annoyed to no end so I wasn't really good to her.. Her birthday was the only one in the family that didn't come with another car. Hmm;; makes sense right?? I mean;; she's the one with the most attitude. Though now I think I'm gonna have to beg to differ.

I mean;; every one of my siblings ada lah tabi'i kepelikan dorang... Like Marsya;; she thinks she's the man of the house and she's a freaking CHATTERBOX you know dia membebel cam mak nenek non-stop I think she's like;; what;; wise beyond her years??? Whatev;; that freaking annoying girl... And there's Iman;; whom thinks she's the youngest in the family!! I mean;; last week;; the first week of school;; oh yeah she entered Standard One this year! And this year Malaysia is banishing UPSR (whatev :: don't know what word to use!) Anyway she cried at school and made the poor prefect panicked. I panicked too. But well she's tembam and liked food so I figured the best way to shut her up is to give it to her. Yeah it worked;; she costed me RM1 a week. In a month;; RM4. In a year? Do the maths please. Ayra.. Okay I think it's her teeth. I don't think I have problems with her... Yeah;; nope.

So why am I talking about my little sisters and what have them got anything to do with CSL and getting a kid??



I am getting a baby soon!! This year!!


Hahahaha got you. ;P Not me silly;; of course it's mama doing the beranak part! I'm just doing the media part.  You know... I practically told the whole school. Even people I haven't talked to since what- July?- last year now see me and goes like "Wow congratulations!" Mama's pregnant two months. I can't wait;; beranak jealah sekarang I want a baby boy~~!!

Another news flash my skin is now OKAY. I am so happy;; the huge acne yang merah-merah have gone;; I don't know is it dedication or hormones dying down. 

Nonetheless;; I'm glad my complexion's better but I've got alot darker. I look like an Indian now;; last year we went to New Zealand for two weeks and I was in the changing room getting on a wetsuit- papa me and Haris were going water-rafting- and there was this Indian lady jumping and trying to fit into that thick Spandex clothe that feels like wearing thick leathery rhino skin and I laughed cause it's funny okay she looks like something was stuck between her b***ocks!!! XDDDDDD Madness;; that. And she laughed back and said something and I was like;; "It's really tight right??" and she spoke something again and I couldn't catch what she said so I just like nodded. Then a split second later I realized she poke TAMIL to ME. Okay that was just insulting I know I'm dark but seriously?! In Europe we went and ate at this Arab shop and some guy there asked Haris whom were trying to find the sink "Where are you from? China?Japan?" Tengok tengok TENGOK! I mean;; I look Asian-ish. But maybe it's because I was wearing Pashmina and most of India's population is Muslim so it's common... Maksudnyea muka saya ni bersepah--sepah dekat Kyszsgystan. Ouch.

I got tuition now! I have Mathematics for one hour weekly with a Mr Chan at home with Sai too. It's so funny;; Sai said her teacher was Chinese so I thought he would be really smart and maybe HOT. Really.. Hormones! I'm only seventeen anyway. But he wasn't really what I would call even semi-hot. He's old. Hahaha okay this discussion is really off-topic.

Anis moved to a different school. When I knew I just went like;; "What?? TT ^TT" Before I knew it I was dialling her number and crying into the phone and getting her annoyed at me pretty quickly. Seriously it felt really bad at the time and I still missed her now. Especially during recess time when we usually eat together dalam dulang. She was usually the one telling weird stories and disgusting jokes. Like how she teach her little sister how to wash her own *tut*. XDDDDDDD Hilarious AND FREAKING STUPID. Yeah she figured if her sister can poo and pee without help she should be able to wash her own body part. XDDDDD Seriously.. We also did many stupid things together. Like last year we went to Ampang Point right after school in a taxi. We were waiting at the front and other students' cars were going pass by and they were like really staring and gawking;; felt like a celebrity there. Incidentally it rained so we have to run inside and I stepped into a puddle and ruined my jeans! :DDD

So Happy New Year! I'm two weeks into school now and I already felt bored. Anyway the first week of school;; I noticed one crucial thing right away :: Si Galang dah tumbuh jerawat! Si tinggi lampai tu is sekarang berjerawat gila-gila. His face is a really bad case of skin irritation;; it's like he got an infection! I don't want to be mean but his pastey complexion really didn't hide the fact you know?? And two girls have gotten whiter. Aynaa and Lolot. Waah so jealous how did they do that?? Really;; I think whiteness is overrated but I still wanna be one of The Whites!

So let's talk about debate. I would really love to this year. I miss the one week not doing anything but debate all the time thing. I only ever do that kind of thing last year's last year;; when I was a Form 3 student. At that time I don't quite know what debate is yet;; but I remembered the experience as eye-opening and really best!!  

+.+ v

But my parents actually BANNED me to enter it this year. "Don't you DARE Damia." I know;; psychotic maniac behavior;; but they do want me to suceed.

Ahh!! And another thing. At the end of this year I'm gonna have my SPM examination which is like GSCE but this is according to Malaysia's education syllabus;; and right after that I'm gonna take A-levels! I think I want to take English;; and something artsy... I would really love to go to Japan and this is practically a flight ticket there! I just gotta have to kick-ass during the A-levels and then ABRACADABRA I'm in the lobby of Tokyo University;; looking at the campus map for the my dorm room!! HAhahahaha yay I'm becoming giddyyyyy~~! This is a really good opportunity because I don't take Japanese Level so it's a kinda dead end to my dream. But it would be a different case if I'm an excellent student at A-levels! I'll beg papa so that I can take Japanese;; I mean;; how hard can it be???  ):D Hahaha... Okay that's way far yet so I'll not think about it till the time comes.

Good night then! My sadness and aching heart had been cured...

I'll see you again next week!!

Oh and Happy 2011 guys!! Ja!



Ouu said...

Whoa, so much information I am trying to register... CONGRATUKATIONS AND GOOD LUCK!

atiebowink said... 2 read ur life flow..even i had know u since baby...huhu..

Damia said...

@ouh : I know I am so proud you know! I'm gotta have a baby! ;D It's okay;; my post is only weekly~~

@atiebowink : Haaha even so silalah datang sini slalu yea~ Waah you commented! I miss you~~~~ This week dtg x??