Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Crazy Date

Assalamualaikum peepers and stalkers

It's been a LONG while since I wrote a real PROPER post;; 
so here goes the story of  my date with my cousin yesterday.

As usual;; I would drive.

* a motorcyclist had just swerved to the right lane from my left

Hating KL's traffic.

Notice our get up??

So;; finally:: Times Squareeeeeeee :3

Wait;; why is this picture blurred??

That's why we went here::

Yes;; to ask about the camera.
I know;; we were acting like such losers!!

So the guy behind the counter said that our camera 
have too much filters.

He kept getting the lens off and trying to get off
the 'filters'.
I mean;; isn't a DSLR supposed to be that bulky??
In the end he gave up and said::
"Get the filter off and it won't become blurred anymore."

Guess what??

He's wrong!!
The camera worked just fine with those
'filters' on.

Oh yeah that's the mall's map.
You guys can totally understand why we were lost right??



Anonymous said...

wow!! so you feel happy all day long yah?? not fair...why don't you bring me along TT_TT can't believe it you're like peek a kiss to that starbuck's cup and you feel it like you kiss him ya?? hahahahahaha =P since when I have my own bookstores but I feel proud to have my own name on that board...hehehe~~

Damia said...

See????? I do remember you dear friend :D