Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Introduction To Jordan

Assalamualaikum peepers and stalkers :D

I haven't checked whether or not I have yet posted a post when I'm already in Jordan .

So;; here:: my first post in Jordan :D

I arrived here on the 7th of September 2012;; and met my senior that I have met before when I came for a two month stint with a markaz lughah in Amman. Her name is Shima-san.

Right now I got a place in the hostel that is called Sakan Kuning orrrrrr the Yellow Hostel. Buildings in Jordan are about as different as clovers in a field of clovers. They have the same shape;; the same color... and even built with the same material. Usually that is. But my hostel is painted yellow (Yay! I love any sign of cheerfulness);; that trait is so remarkable and 'Wow!' that we Malaysian students called that particular hostel Sakan Kuning.

My life in Jordan has been quite hectic but still organizeable and I actually still have free time to do whatever I want... Even update my now dusty blog HAHAHAHA.

Ohh I love caps lock :P

Because of the monotonous quality of the surroundings of this little country that is very appreciative of their water because of its scarce water source;; Jordanians love to express themselves through their attire. Jordanian women wear very bright colors with layers of makeup that I wonder how in the world did they keep them on?? Don't they melt or something?? And doesn't it feel thick when I;; the onlooker;; look at the fully made up face and thought to myself;; "I hope her skin can breathe in ALL.... that." 

And the same can be said about Jordanian men's attire. I THOUGHT THEY DON'T KNOW ONE DIRECTION?!!! There was this one day I was walking inside the area of the University that is very kind to accept my application letter;; Yarmouk University;; that I saw ALOT of these guys;; that look ALOT older but actually is the same age as me and you and him and her:: just eighteen;; wearing skinny jeans. Okay I saw alot of Malaysian guys wear skinnies;; no biggie.... But colored skinny jeans??? It freaks me out;; yes;; because I was just about to get a surprise heart attack when I thought I saw Harry Styles or Nialler (I can't remember his last name) or Zayn Malik or Liam Payne or.... that other guy in One Direction that I SWEAR DIRECTIONERS I REMEMBERED HIS FACE but sorry I can't remember his name;; but it turns out to be a regular tall Jordanian wearing a plaid pressed shirt with beige skinny jeans. Yeah.

The system here is more manual then electronic... My experience 'dealing' with Jordanians (more like watching seniors dealing with their antics);; is that they are a very proud bunch. They love their country and they reallyyyy appreciate the beauty of the Arabic language. Most Arabics don't speak English well;; and they would almost always assume that we Malaysian students are fluent in their language. Well;; but if I say that all Jordanians are mute and deaf in the English speaking department;; I would be a big fat dark liar. Most workers in the stores are not exactly 'fluent' but we can communicate in English if EXTREMELY needed. I'm not pointing the finger beside my middle one at anybody;; but this is how I see it GENERALLY.

Before this I lived in Amman. Now I'm living in the city of Irbid that is popular with students. Malaysian students alone reached the number of 1000+. This year;; the year 2012;; is the year with the most number of new students. Every year the number of new students only reach around 100. But this year;; this year the number of new students actually reached 500! I already felt that my family of nine is very big... and a little bit chaotic. I can't imagine the load of work that the seniors have to get done to make sure that the new students are settled in.

Okay I think if I get RM1 for every time I use the term 'the number of students' I can buy a bottle of Shokubutsu by now... My English didn't improve AN INCH since after SPM... I really need to revise more often.

I think I just want to talk about what I see here.. I don't really know Jordan and I haven't had the time to get to know  it's people yet.. But I hope my journey here would not be for naught.

Recently my heart had just been given a blow and my mind is in freaking chaos right now. I hate the fact that I let my guard down and I hate that I am still thinking about it. I don't know the reason why I'm still hanging on. Maybe humans love the idea of hope more than the 'thing' itself
I really have to be more careful. Today my friends saw me as listless and a little bit moody. I don't want anything to get in the way of my plans for my life.

No freaking way I am gonna mope here until I get emotional and cry in front of my laptop.

Thank you for reading and please pray for my success.
Afterall;; I'm a private student that really need to step up so that I don't further burden my parents by wasting their money more.

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