Thursday, July 15, 2010

HTC phone shoots

Right now I'm doing a project on storing all my photos here.
These are the pictures I took with my parent's phones :)

I was eating at a porridge place at that time.
Trying to make an ad for the deliciousness of the porridge and think I'd make a quite good job :D

I SERIOUSLY love the yellow light~~~
Look at ME!!
I look so young and fresh...
Dare I say;; I look distinctly Korean.
The smiley eyes;; no?

I should flip it upside.
I'll look prettier.

I love my eyes in this picture.
Snotty much? 

OKay here I looked like I was in pain or something???

Love this one;;
so artistic.
Like a photoshoot or something!

Sai said I looked quite pretty here.
I think it's the lighting.
Or else I'll be dark as night.
Though I think my smile looked quite forced;; no?
This one look so artistic too~~

I wanna edit this one but I know I won't have the time.
I should take this photo with a camera in pinhole mode.
You know;; then the photo's edge will become all fuzzy and blurry and it will look super cool! 

It's 6.00 AM in the morning and I have to go wake up my brother.
Yesterday papa bought a DSLR CAMERA!!!!
It's really awesome;; it looks
excitingly heavy and the lens
looks like really BIG and LONG!!!


I really appreciate papa having the same passion for technology like teenagers;;
it gave us benefits that's really inspiring since
not everyone is as lucky as we are to get a papa like this...

I love him;; mama too!

And yeah;; today I have to tasmi' Yassin to my PQS teacher.
Tasmi' means to show her that we memorized a surah...
I think today will be a great day;;
I've already memorized quite a bit of Yassin!

I can't wait for my donashi to arrive...

The donashi story.

I made a pact with papa that if I score in the History test I was going to have (at the time;;) tomorrow;; I'll get Donashi!


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