Thursday, April 28, 2011

Facebook Obsession

OMFG. That stands for "Oh My Freaking Goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

So;; first off. What is Facebook exactly? A website of horror.
Maybe this is macam prejudis la kan sebab tuan punya badan ni have no account on that social media phenomenon.

But please;; let me explain. I will very much enlighten you. Be my honorable guest.

Why is Facebook a website of horrors?
That's a question; and the answer is it's full of psychos who doesn't HAVE A LIFE.

Siapa yang kalau nak mandi;; cakap dulu kat status:: "Hari ni pakai sabun Shokubutsu. Terujanya!"

Come on mengaku je la.

 Siapa yang nak gi makan kedai mamak kat depan tu post dulu kat status: "Capati ke roti canai? Can't choose la!"

Err makan taik best kot?

Or;; siapa yang nak gi kelas;; (ni untuk yang free hair);; first KENA juga post;; "Nak sikat tepi ke belah tengah?"

Haishh.. Ada rambut susah. Botakkan je la senang cer kan? Tapi nanti botak BERKILAT pula. Eh bukan girls like bling ke?

Why do I say these people don't have a life? Because bila diorang tengah buat something all they think about is "OMG exciting news this is SO going on my STATUS!"
Uh;; orang yang perasan everyone is interested with them la kan. Kalau dia Brad Pitt ke.. Angelina Jolie.. Atau Just In Bibir sekalipun! Baru la tuan punya badan rasa sikit teruja nak tau!

What these people were doing is when they're ordering something at McD's and the line's freaking long and it's rush hour and people were tired and wanna eat something panas;; kenyang;; dan no frills;; they would first post on Facebook:: "Filet O fish or DCB?"




It's like;; for these people;; Facebook IS LIFE.

Nak makan post Fb dulu;; nak mandi bitau sume orang pakai sabun apa (siap ngan perisa apa lagi);; nak basuh baju mencarut dulu kat Fb sebab if cakap kat mama tercinta nanti merah pula muka (bentuk tapak tangan pula tu).

Malulah kat orang dear readers..

The obsession of Facebook amongst people is sooo...


It's like a lifestyle now.

I mean;; I can understand being addicted to coke or even Nutella you know?
Because it's food and really;; to quote from someone in Top Chef;; "Food;; in the right hands;; can move mountains."

Yes;; hands down that's true.

But Facebook??

Apa ada dengan Fb pembaca sekalian?

Facebook is like a playground that we can watch but cannot truly enter. We can just look at the sideline jea.

Ke ada orang his cita-cita nak masuk internet? HAha. Lame joke I know.

Instead of doing Facebook;; why not pergi fishing? At least boleh berkomunikasi dengan alam. Ikan pun dapat.

Kalau setakat main game Fish Valley kat Facebook.. Ikan pun tak dapat;; buang masa dapat;; sakit mata dapat;; frust bila laptop kena sekat bapak dapat.



Ouu said...

From what I understood of the above, I comepletely agree with you. Too many people are aaddicted to facebook but I must admit, I am one of them and it isn't as bad as you seem to think. Also, it is a form of entertainment, like PS3 or whatever right? Let em have fun

Damia said...

Haha Fun fun fun

but don't be too too excited!