Friday, May 6, 2011

Nagging machine

Do you know the sound a washing machine makes when it's doing it's work?


Sometimes I laughed when I was alone with that thing and it's humming. Humming because it's spinning the clothes inside it's vast belly.

Some people could be just like that.

When doing some work;; even how trivial;; God help me;; there WILL  be noises. And not even cute noises that the washing machine made;; a hum like the constant sound of water running down a stream

1. Scene One


Mom :: "Aimad!! Go clean the dishes!! It's piling up in the sink and-IS THAT MOULD?!"
Aimad :: *rushed over* "Mom;; that's not mould! *pause* I think someone splashed black paint on it."
Mom :: "Then make it white again."
Aimad :: "Uh mom I kinda have things to do."
Mom :: "Like?"
Aimad :: "..Did I smell something? *sniffs himself* Yeah I have to bath"

Mom came and ran her fingers through his wet;; dripping hair.

Mom :: "Wash the dishes or I'll give your IPad to charity."

Aimad  is SPEECHLESSS... not.

Aimad;; being a mature;; rational 17 year-old who is so addicted to lollipop that he even brings it into the toilet;; STOMPED his feet!

Aimad :: "Mom you should buy black plates and stuff! Nobody cares if there's last year's baked beans stuck on it! Not if nobody could see it!" *accidentally slipped (somehow) and kissed the head pipe passionately (hoo he's like one-twentieth Italian)* OMFG THAT FREAKING HURTS! *hit the pipe head* Why is there need for plumbing here?! Just use a bucket la! Gosh! This thing could kill people!"

2. Scene Two


Mom is happily having afternoon tea in the kitchen;; with the window wide open and sliver of sunbeam streaming in. She was thinking of going out and she's all ready except..

For her tudung. (veil)

Mom :: "So troublesome to get upstairs and get it.. If only someone is kind enough to get it for me."

At that moment Aimad came into the kitchen! It's like her prayer's been answered by Allah!

Mom :: *sigh* "So troublesome to get upstairs and get my tudung.. If only someone is kind enough to get it for me." *sideway glance and BIG sigh*

Aimad went to the refrigerator;; opened the door and took out yesterday's pizza.

Mom :: "I thought I have a son with perfect eyesight to see that his mother's in distress."

Aimad;; unperturbed obviously;; put the last slice which is poor of pepperoni and rich filled with olives into the microwave.

Mom :: "I thought the child I gave birth to has perfect hearing and could hear her mother is in need of help."

Aimad hummed Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as he waited for the microwave to finish it's job.

Mom is clearly losing her temper because apparently anak dia bukan sahaja buta;; but also deaf.

Mom :: "Aimad! I'm talking to you!!!" 

Even a lion would shiver at the tone and volume of voice.

Aimad :: "Huh?! *innocently looked at his mother* Ingat ke tengah berzikir."
Mom :: "Aimad can you get my tudung from upstairs? I'm all set to go out but forgot all bout it!"
Aimad :: "WHAAAAATTT?!"

Mom :: "It's only upstairs go QUICK DO YOU LOVE ME OR NOT?!"

Aimad dragged his way to the stairs.

Aimad :: "Why don't you use the kain batik or something? Or that carpet! You can even use pots to cover your hair! OHHHH doing something as trivial as this- ME! And I need all the energy I have to water the plants or whatever-doing this will not get me muscles"


Yeah;; the second scenario's kinda stretching it.

Yes;; that's the human nagging machine that I unfortunately cannot switch off at pleasure.

Because she is currently a human being living at my house and incidentally happens to be my maid and everyday at dinner she will be eating with me and I will be hearing about her day;; and I will be wondering where my headband had gone. That cute orange one with yellow stripes!!

It's so annoying! Irritating! Imagine we are trying to eat over here and your maid is yabbering non-stop in an Indonesian accent about how she worked so hard today;; how my sisters have no manners;; how she's so tired;; how her back hurts so bad;; how   her whole body ached after washing the dishes..

And on. And on.

If you hear this everyday;; would you go crazy? 

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