Saturday, May 21, 2011

Don't Judge A Boook By Its Cover

Assalamualaikum peepers and stalkers. :D 
 Have you ever seen someone;; I don't care whom;; whether a boy or girl;; that is just so freaking beautiful that you just have to stare??

Humans are like flies you know??
Ohh;; flies are fisgusting;; no humans are like...
Err... I don't know;; bees?
Bees are always attracted to the brightest flower in in the field;; and the most sweet-smelling one.

That's just human nature;; to like something that appears to be beautiful in the physical sense.

I'm not going to berdakwah about how people should TOTALLY NOT see how smooth a girl's complexion is before you befriend her or how good-looking her acquaintance of an acquaintance is before accepting her friend request on Facebook;; because I'm not gonna lie that I totally did that too.

All the time.

What I'm gonna tell you guys is about why people judge books by their cover.

1. Because that's the first thing we see

Seriously. Would you know someone's heart when you have just known her for like two and a half seconds?

For example;; I had just walked into a cafeteria and saw this totally awesome-looking girl who's got perfect complexion;; high nose;; banjjak-banjjak eyes;; healthy lips and a gorge smile laughing at a joke her compared-to-her-unattractive friend had made.

Naturally I would think ;; "Waaaaaaah GORGEOUS. She must have been the social type."

Everyone's a judge.

And everyone's a victim to streotyping.

Like;; all princesses are freakers.

Not entirely true.

Look at Michelle Obama's daughters.

A girl flickering her eyes is considered doing aegyo.
Someone wearing glasses is intellligent.
Someone taking the art stream is stupid and cannot handle the science stream.
A guy wearing tights is gay. (WHY WOULD A GUY WEARS TIGHTS?!!)
A guy with rainbow-colored hair is considered K-Pop Star.

And so on and so on.

Well maybe that girl over there widening her eyes and opening clossing opening closing them got dust in her eyeballs;; but how would we know??

Maybe that Harry Potter guy the table behind is so stupid he forgot his name and loved Teletubbies and have a bookcase full of boxsets of special or limited edition Teletubbies merchandises;; but again;; how should we know at first glance??

And definitely maybe that guy with nil skin problems and in tight jeans was wearing his sister's because he had just came from Kuantan to KL and was staying at her place and her cat ate his clothes;; but how would we know when his attire practically screamed I'M GAY!!!!??

And yes;; maybe that guy in orange;; blue;; green;; and purple highlights suffered from his friends's cruel joke when he fell asleep at a friend's place on the couch;; but again;; do we in any way would come to know this fact when we are enjoying a late dinner at Pizza Hut;; and he came in with his frigging guitar on his back??

Yes;; everyone's a judge.

Chests cannot be sliced open to bring out their hearts  at random;; just so we would be less judgemental and would know a person's personality straightaway.

Only the angel Jibrail Alaihi Salam and certified doctors could do that.

If your personality was clearly written on top of your forehead;; everything would be alot easier.

That's why there's a gap for Facebook and other stuffs.
In Facebook;; you can type in your personality.

I think the idea came from the creator wanting to reveal who he really is to strangers.

2. Covers are resemblance of the essence.

Someone who dresses well naturally would be liked and poked more than someone whom wears rags and have tousled hair when they came in for work on daily office hours.


Because well;; neat is a beautiful trait and humans just love beauty.

Anyway;; if I got into someone's car and saw last year's big bottle of Mountain Dew on the back seat with McD takeaways;; I would assume he's a total trasher at the place he staying at.

Similar if I see a guy wiping his mouth after he ice cream caressed his chin. I would think "Oh Em Jerk he's totally gonna wipe that at the couch if he's at home lying on the couch watching reruns of The Nanny." Or something else more man-like.

Like it or not;; what you look like resembles who you really are.

First impressions count.

It counts so much that the sentence I had just written is like one of the most popular sentence ever.

Ohh;; I'm too lazy to write the other one.

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