Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm truly blessed

Give thanks to Allah;;
for He gave us everything we ever needed;;
for He is always beside us every single minute of our lives;;
for He always care even when we cease to believe in ourselves anymore.
Say Alhamdulillah;; thank you Allah.
syukran ya Rabbi.

Especially for Azza ;*

There would be days that we would feel like crying.
But there will come days when the tears had dried;; leaving only stains in their place.

Usrah 2010;; Smiaag
Ily Cg Hunny
Timmy;; Nataj;; MJ;; Nehar;; I love you guys though I never said it out loud.
may our friendship last forever and ever and ever and ever~~~ 

Sai and Tsukiyai;;
my pillars of strength.

When you have nothing good to say;; just shut up.
Lagi kurang dosa kalau gitu...

Senyumlah... Dapat pahala!

Sunny jjang;; saranghaeyo <3
Ily;; I miss you on Invincible Youth
Ok??? Sayang Sunny!!

My sweet;; sweet Bella~~~
Seriously;; when I'm down;; she's the one who makes me smile;;
with her excessive cuteness!
Hope we'll stay close even after we go to our separate paths... Ameen.

Missing you.
Okay;; Sai and I are busy right now;; but that doesn't mean we forgot about you.

Yes;; Sai;; I love you too. Dearly.

The three (very modern) (not to mention Muslim) musketeers!

It's Happyday!
Azillah is really pretty when she's laughing.
I love her smile.

Adorable Sai...!
She's really cuto!
I saved this picture under the name;;
'Killer on the loose'.
I know;; brilliant right?

Serendipity in simplicity

Smiling is a form of a gift;; a 'sedeqah'.
That's what Rasulullah had said;;
and never a statement had rang truer than this one.
Smile :3

I'm always making things up.

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