Friday, August 27, 2010

Tell me one teen who's in sync with her parents

Tell me.
Seriously;; call me in the middle of the night even;; because I really wanna know WHO.
Okay;; memang tengah bengang tahap gamat ni.

Guess with who?
Mama la.
Because she expected me to study using the internet when I haven't blogged for like;; what;; two weeks;; and then expected me to use the internet only for studying.
Not allowed to play-play.

Everyday I missed this place like crazy.
Fine;; I'm an addicted blogger.
But it's kinda harmless!!
I mean;; I'm not a guy;; I'm not blogging about women's body parts or something.
And I'm not paedophile;; I'm not blogging about my desire for children.
Furthermore;; I'm not a psychopathoc killer;; I'm really not gonna blog about the cleanest and best way to throw away the body.
And I'm certainly not gonna write;; "I assure you the human brain is best grilled till the it's brownish;; like a bear's fur."
Heck;; I'm no frigging cannibal.

Okay;; but I got what I want in the end.
But I wanna use this portable modem on my computer.
Pictures;; graphic memories of my life thus far..
And there are the Europe pictures I  promised in there!!
Ya Allah;; berilah aku kesabaran...

I can only use the net till 8.00 AM.
Come on Mama;; it's Saturday;; gimme some slack.
I haven't welcomed myself here for forever.
It really made me suffer.

Azza I miss you.
Get well soon.
Take care of your body yea;; jangan demam lagi...

Okayy;; this is it for my post this time.
I'll launch into long-period story-mode when my grades put smiles on muka orang tua saya.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..   

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