Friday, July 2, 2010

Crazy Tuesday!!!! XDDDDDD

I brought my camera to school.
I know it's risky;; but I love it!
This was not the first time I brought something unallowed to school;; but I still feel like the first-year students in middle high.
Th prefects are soooooooo scary back then.

Sai looked soooooooooooooooooooooo cute in both the pictures!!! XD
Isn't she adorable????

So;; the reason why I was so eager to break one of the most important school rules was;; there's this friend I have;; Tsukiyai. She plays the guitar and she have a class after school.
She asked me;; "You wanna come with me after school?"
I said;; "Yeah sure."
We were feeling really excited cause this is like;; illegal.
I didn't tell my mom I was going out with her after school. She'll give a straight out flat 'NO'. No doubts about that.
And also;; that was the first time we went out with just the two of us.


The class was at half past four;; the taxi we took was slow and we arrived at around 4:05-ish. It was freaking raining;; not just drizzling.
We have to run across the road with water coming from above and water waiting on the ground. (translation::puddles)

So while we half-walked;; half-ran;; we promised to meet at the Popular bookstore after the class. It should end at half-past four.

But what actually happened was we met at 5:00. I have to catch a cab at 5:30PM;; but she wanna spend time with me.
Precious time. Bowling time.
"That's not possible." That's what I said.
Poor Tsukiyai. From her face I know she REALLY wanna do that with me.

But I was gonna be in MAJOR trouble of I got caught arriving home in jeans;; striped cardigan over a white shirt.

So we settled for the date at McD's.

Let's enjoy the eye-feast laid out below!!!
(cause we're major hot stuff!) XDDDDDD


I looked better under the yellow light:: the greatest invention everrrr!!!

Hahaa Nerdy smiles ;DD

Tsukiyai:: "Wanna share the burger duuuuuuude????"

Her side angle is very attractive. :DDDD

"I wanna go to the toilet..." XDDDDD

My lunch. I know;; sad right?? TT^TT

Her lunch.

XD. Love her EYES. They're so HUGE.
Anyway;; after that we walked a bit distance away and waited for the taxi.
Ugh;; the ROAD.


Right then I couldn't believe there's so many people in our country. I thought ours is a small one?

I got a taxi before Tsukiyai did.

And;; lo and behold;; of all the taxis that exist;; I have to get the taxi whose driver did not know the way to my home even though I gave him my address???? I panicked!
I mean;; we're talking about a frigging cab-driver!
He should be a walking GPS. A human-map version. With paper-colored skin and lines of reds;; blues and greens and dots and country-border line etched across his body like a tattoo.



He even get out of his car to ask for directions.

I was about to get grounded and he went and flirt with the wonderful young ladies over there. Mercy;; anyone?

Anyway;; I took the opportunity to take a few pictures of a very interesting subject:: me of course!



Click again!

The prop (my bag) is from some kinda label...
It's a bag for climbing mountains and I use it to go to school.

While I was self-indulging myself;; I got worried and looked around me. It was strangely familiar;; like I've been going this road for a thousand times...
Then I suddenly realized that I actually know the way! When he came back in;; saying;; "No one knows where you live;; no one knows;;" I quickly told him that "I knew".

My heart soared as I believed I was in luck. I gave him the directions.

When we turned the last corner;; my hopes had drained from me. I was skepticalll~~.

And I was right for being negative::
When I arrived home I totally freaked out:: My parents are frigging home!
My school attire was in my bag;; but I only stuffed in and didn't bother to fold them neatly cause my bag's really full:: Tuesdays are weight-drop days in our school.

It's weird cause mama and papa almost NEVER home at that time.

This is the funny part::
I went beside papa's Mercedes ML;; there's like a bush there and a shady tree that was just perfect for my shameful purpose:: put my school uniform back on.


I just wear them on the clothes I wore;; and since they were crumpled up like mad to fit in my bag;; it was REALLY crinkly.

Then I pushed the door bell. My heart beat against my chest like CRAZY;; I felt I've never learn how to breath.
No one answered.
I wanna come inside. Get a bath.

I pressed again.

Mama's face appeared at the door. She opened the little side gate with a remote control. I saw that she looked kinda confused.

"Mama! Look at my clothes!"
I kicked my plan into action. Here goes all. If I'm caught;; I'll be dead. Grounded for eternity and beyond than beyond. 

"What's wrong?" she responded to my faked vandalised tone. Inside;; my heart was jumping up and down like and over-excited pervert.
"I-"I hate myself! I think too much;; and couldn't string a few words without stuttering!
"Did you sleep at school?"
"No-What-Yeah!" Thank God I was always stuttering everyday.
"Everyone was looking at me;; it was really embarassing.." I walked pass the gate carefully;; looking at mama. She closed the gate while saying;; "It's nothing...! School's over now right?" Then she went back in.
She doesn't even look at me!


Thank GOD.

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