Friday, July 2, 2010


Today was report card day. The dreaded day. It was like wainting to be hanged.
By your parents and your teachers.
I sneaked the camera to school (again). Wow;; twice in a week.
If it got confiscated;; I'll need to cry a sea of blood to make papa forgive me.

I love the yellow one :D

OMG Sai looked really cute!!! XDDD Really love this! ;P

She never failed to steal your hearts;; didn't she?? ;DDDDD
Nerd FACE!

Me;; Xe and Nedy. We were at the office.

I came in with Sai to pay the school monthly fee.


They look GORGEOUS.

The soon to be MAJORLY disappointed parents.

I mean;; why not??

Their kids didn't even get a single credit for a single subject.


The highlight of this post!

This is Bella...!!

And I seriously think she should audition for Twilight.

That movie's gonna make the cinemas burst if she starred in that!!

Doesn't she look GORGEOUS?!!!

Ohh;; I looked hilarious in this.


I LOVE her face!!!!
Tsust me;; she's gorgeous-er in real life. >:O

Syuichi and Syudd!! :DDDD

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